The ExpandProperty parameter in select-object cmdlet is useful to view full values of a compound property (e.g. when a property's value is an array or an object). However the limitation is also obvious. It accepts only one property, so we are forced to write a script block to process all results, using a different way to convert/expand properties one by one, before we can finally assembly the output.
The other way to do it is to use inline expression. See below
@{l='membership'; e={$_.memberof}}
@{l='allEmailAddresses'; e={$_.proxyAddresses}}
$uObj = get-aduser 'johnDoe' -properties *
$expandedObj = $uObj | select $targetedProperties
Array that includes most meaningful AD attributes for admins
$meaningfulP = @(
#"accountExpires" # above converted value is readable to human - blank means never
#"BadLogonCount" # these are temporary values that are reset by AD periodically
@{l='membership';e={($_.Memberof)[0..20]}} #to prevent this value to become too large to fit into Excel cell limit