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Showing posts with label odata. Show all posts
Showing posts with label odata. Show all posts

Jul 20, 2023

MS Graph RESTful Queries

  1.  Links
    1. Graph Explorer
    2. MS Odata Document
    3. Oasis Odata v4.0.1 URL Conventions, specifically, pay attention to 
      1. URL components
      2. Resource path and how to address entities, properties etc.
      3. Query Options
  2. An Odata URL is consist of 3 parts

    1. root URL: GET request made to root URL returns service document (that defines all resources available via the service)
    2. resource path: Entity or entity sets that are accessible via RESTful API
    3. Query option: select, filter, count, skip, order, top etc. See next section 
  3. Addressing
    1. Getting entity set:    GET serviceRoot/users
    2. Getting individual entity by key:    GET serviceRoot/users('')
    3. Getting entity property    GET serviceRoot/users/displayName
    4. Getting entity property raw value:    GET serviceRoot/users/displayName/$value
    5. Getting entity set:    GET serviceRoot/users
    6. Getting entity set:    GET serviceRoot/users
    7. Addressing metadata in powershell: $obj.'@odata.type'
      The key here is that the dot (.) between "odata" and "type" is not denotation of a sub-property, but just a normal text character as part of the property name '@odata.type' (so we quote the whole string)
  4. Query options
    1. Filter:
      1. Filter operators: eq/ne/gt/ge/lt/le/and/or/not/has/in
      2. Filter functions: contains/startsWith/endsWith/indexOf/concat/subString
      3. Collection functions: hasSubset/hasSubsequence
      4. More functions on Oasis URL above
      5. Example #1:    GET serviceRoot/users?$filter=upn eq ''
      6. Example #2, filter against complex type. This query finds airports whose address contains "San Francisco", where address is a property of a complex type Location:    GET serviceRoot/Airports?$filter=contains(Location/Address, 'San Francisco')
      7. Example #3:    GET serviceRoot/users?$filter=upn in {,}'
    2. Expand:
      1. Navigation properties: any property that can link to another entity. For example, "memberof", "manager" property of a user
      2. Example #1:    GET serviceRoot/users?$filter=upn eq ''$expand=manager
      3. Example #2:    $uObj=get-mgUser ... -expandproperty manager; $uObj.manager.additionalProperties.displayName
      4. Example #3:    get-mgUser ... -expandproperty "manager(`$select=displayName,jobTitle)"
    3. Select:
      1. Example #1:    GET serviceRoot/users?$select=*
    4. OrderBy:
      1. Example #1:    GET serviceRoot/users?$expand=manager($orderby=department)
      2. Example #2, order by the count of members:    GET serviceRoot/groups?$orderby=members/$count
    5. Top/Skip/Count
    6. any/all operator
      1. GET serviceRoot/People?$filter=Emails/any(s:endswith(s, ''))
  5. Literals
    1. null/$it/$root/$this
  6. placeholder